With all due respect, IMHO, nobody on THIS FORUM is overdosing on the kool-aid. I think we are all extrememly happy to have beaten the Gators (no matter how down they are at the present time) but I know that critical eyes are still fixed squarely on our entire coaching staff. Sure, on the ajc blogs & other sites you'll find overzealous Dawg fans talking about we're back, we're gonna win out, Nt'l Champs 2012 & all kinds of other nonsense, but not so much in here. As for the talking heads, well yeah, they just roll with the flavor of the day & we won in Jax. so we receive their praises regardless of merit.
One thing I like most about SteveDawg's web-site is that almost everybody in here realizes we lost to the 2 best teams we played & that we've been winning pretty darn ugly ever since. I'm happy w/the past 6 results (especially the most recent one!) but I too am less than 100% satisfied. We're not where we all want the team to be just yet. Still, four more chances for this team to provide additional satisifaction to Bulldog Nation & if those 4 go well, maybe we'll get a 5th game to really test our mettle. Either way, I for one am really looking forward to seeing what this team is made of coming off their 1st BIG win.
I really like kool-aid & I'm so very thristy, but I also realize that it taste even sweeter when you hold out until you've exhausted all of your energies & efforts. Only then, when you're totally spent from giving 110% can you take that first sip knowing that you fought hard for it & you earned it. Right now, I'm drinking steadily from the defensive cup poured by CTG. I've got a death grip on offensive cup poured by CMB & on occasion I sip from it but it usually leaves me wanting something more. I'm not even touching the special teams cup because I can't trust touching, let alone drinking, something if I don't know who poured it. Lastly, I am staring intensely into the large pitcher that fills all of the cups held by CMR & I find myself wondering: is the recipe going to get any better or is this the best batch he can make? I fondly remember when it tasted wonderful several years ago but I still find myself longing for it taste even better than before. Maybe it's just one or two ingredients away from a masterpiece?