Thankful???, You bet!!!...Anytime we get a quality win over those a$$hats of New Jersey's annex, I'm a happy, old dawg!....Thankful!!!, Oh Yah, that Richard Samuel finally decided to be the TOUGH RB we needed between the tackles, WHEN we needed him the most! Thankful???...Oh man am I, that our YOUNG receivers showed the toughness to challenge UF's bump and press coverage, MAN-UP and TAKE the pass away from the defender! And finally, I'm THANKFUL for those defensive "Dream Team" members, whose presense within and constant pressure applied upon Mr. Brantley, probably had him wondering on Sunday morning whether he rushed his comeback a bit too soon!....BUT,...this was a prototypical CMR victory! Even during the days of Green and Pollack, it was the Defense coming up big, time and again! The difference back then was David Green usually hit those wide open post patterns, Mr. Murray...not so much!...The difference,...our Special Teams didn't constantly whiff, regardless of the opponent...The difference, our highly recruited kickers didn't miss chip shots or make 30 yard punts!...
So here we are, turning corner three; pardon the racing metaphor, and edging closer to the final sprint. Ahead of us are two quality foes. Both have ALWAYS brought their A game, regardless to ranking. One, proved this past weekend, that they're able to shred a ranked opponent!...And we've yet to play the complete game! I'll NOT speak of SEC Championships until we've vanquished those foes that await us!...I'll NOT speak of SEC Championships because regardless to whether we win out or not, we NEED an USCe loss to back into the SECC!
No, I'm a long way from drinking the Kool-Aide. In fact, St. Richt merely bought himself a weeks reprieve, a seven day stay from condemnation. IF CMR can dispatch the blind sisters of the southwest with extreme prejudice, then dismember the wartigerplainsmeneagles AND finally exterminate the NATS of the Joke by Coke, I might take a sip!...So THIS is my challenge, should CMR read this board, which I suspect he does not!...
The cocky swagger you've begun to display during interviews....PROVE to me it translates to this team by winning out. Prove to THIS board that you KNOW what a JunkYard Dawg is by unleashing those "Dream Team" JYD's to further hone their skills,...they WILL need them, soon!...PROVE to the DawgNation that YOU will use the talented recievers and backs that have proven themselves worthy...And PROVE to the entire Nation that the 0-2 start was a terrible mistake the YOU allowed to occur on YOUR watch and You'll NEVER allow it to occur again by beating whomever we line up against in the Dome!
JUST DO IT!!!!.................
GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto