duck wrote: I now hope some on here with those rose colored glassed take the dam things off. I get so sick and tired of we are going to beat Fla 45 to 10 ect. Ya'll did the same things with BS and USC. We have played no body. Our D is great against no body. Look at what Vandy did to our D, this will be another year of a loss. The program at UGA as gone down hill and it wil not recover until changes are made and I mean Off and Def. Our special teams have never sucked so, Blair walsh can kick it in the end zone but no lets kick it so they can return. This is the worst coach team in college ball. This is the most out of shape team in college ball. Ya I am pissed, but I have never sid how great we are and we are going to clobber someone. we have proved nothing and it is time for some on here to face the music, we can not beat a team with a winning record.
Duck i don't think I've agreed with much you've said bc i wanted to wait til this game to see where we really stand. You are absolutely right about Georgia, I have NEVER IN MY LIFE been so disgusted with Special Teams. I have NEVER seen players give up in the first half of a game. I don't think we are going to come back in this game, and like i said if Mark Richt loses to Florida he will be GONE.
Richt on the bus ride home to athen you better find the fatest route out bc if i was you id be worried about people in pitchforks chasing you outta town. This is ridiculous.