I think we have the better team, and the best talent this year. But as you all know the best team does not always win. Look at the Zook years, we had far better teams and still lost. In a big game when it is up to us to win or lose out on the SEC east, we usually lose. It seem lately we have to depend or hope for someone to beat someone esle for us to have a shot. Not since 2005 have we taken care of our on destiny. We lose to USC or Fla and have to hope one or both lose so we can back in.
I hate to rain on everyones parade, but if ya'll think UGA will defeat Fla, then you are in for a rude awaking. We will do just like every year, funble, throw interceptions, punts will be returned and kick offs will be returned. We have beaten no body, and as I said on another thread, we win 2 more games NM and KY. I really want to be wrong, but I prepare my self for what is going to happen and it want be so bad. I have no faith in our coaching staff , and our off will probably try to run 3 straight plays a kick, of which Fla returns the punt for a TD.
I sure wish I had the faith that some of you have on here, but I have not seen nothing over the past 7 weeks to give me any hope that things have changed and we are a better team. When you come close to losing to Vandy, then we are a long way off from being a good team.