ogredawg, seems every place that I look, turning over all the rocks, most think that we should win this game.
Some have the UGA football program sized up something like this. Looking at some of the recruits that have verbally said they will attend UGA, especially the group of 2013, seem to think if Richt leaves, some of the verbals will change their minds.
Others say regardless of verbals, at some point UGA has to get back on track, with or without the young men that would go elsewhere.
Fine line between the two, for some. Went back and looked at the recruits and where we were ranked the past five or so years. No doubt Richt has brought talent to Athens and seems to have two good classes heading that way.
Think that some of the verbals will watch closely and measure their commitments at the end of this season. If we win out, which is possible, not much changes on player commitments. A loss to the Gators, not good. Most or all of these young players want to play for a winning program, makes sense. When we look closely at the universities that are rated above us year after year in the recruiting wars, it shows that the best want to play for the best. Makes sense to me.
JAX is going to be huge this year, maybe more so than in a lot of previous years. Muschamp winning will start verbal battles on boards like we have not seen in a long time.
Went back to my video collection this morning and watched Herschel Walker and the piece that was recently released about his life. If I were Richt or Grantham, would have the entire football team sit together and watch this. I am sure most or all of them have seen the piece, never hurts to visit the "good times" again.
If AM is allowed to run, we win a close one. Staying in the pocket all game, I worry.
Getting close fellows. Go Dawgs!!