I'm sick and tired of all the B.S. that takes place in football. Oh no, he hit a guy after he just tried to end his career. Big f'n deal. I say the Vandy player deserved to have his little girly testicles stepped on with cleats for trying that crap.
It's funny how that D Bag of a coach comes after our player for a late hit ( non career threatening ) and causes a big stink. Where was he on his own players late hit. NO WHERE.
Football is a sport of men. If you are such a little Fa**ot, go play tennis. I'm tired of people getting all bent out of shape because someone has a set a b*lls and sticks up for his players. End of subject. You don't have to like it, but you should respect it.
CMR is a sissy, Slive is a D bag moron.
End rant