ogredawg wrote:
I am all for the players......but I gave the coaching staff enough breaks last year......they will get no more from me....and Carolina? what about them surely we will not be favored going against them.....and the excuse next Saturday.....will be what.....oh we were the underdogs they are a top 10 team we were not expected to win.....NO MORE EXCUSES....I expect the team to compete for the win and this team and its coaches make up excuses not to COMPETE......end rant
ogredawg, no need to end the rant. Outside of the people that are still drinking the koolaid, like I did in the off season. I repeat what you said . . . . they will get no more from me.
While the gamecocks are #12 in most polls, wish we had a George Patton or Erskine Russell leading us into this game. Sorry, General Patton was from a time when UGA was still playing football and WWII was still going on.
Richt will not leave his post because he is not all he wants us to believe he is. Bobby Bowden made over folks. The game of American Football has passed him by. Check the last game in Atlanta, he said that they were out coached, did not say "richt/bobo" was out coached. Take that mirror out and take a good look . . . . are you being "honest" with the fan base, Mr. Richt . . . . Thank you for your service, another mistake by VD, we will move on.