ogredawg wrote:
Reading Belue's blog today and he is saying let AM throw the ball 40 times......yes FORTY.....put the ball in his hands and we will beat BSU.......said something about the BSU defensive front being all that etc. etc. and his last remark killed me and I quote "Coach Bobo is a smart man. He will mix it up, but I'd be willing to bet he is ready to attack with the passing game."
Bobo, smart, and mix it up in the same sentence.....hahahahahaaa
ogredawg, I try not to say too much about players and ex-players. Belue is not one to be judging or grading the gray matter of any coach. I read some of Belue's scribblings to get a good laugh. He has always been a BFF with Bobo gotta Gogo . . . .