kentdaddy you made me think. Not sure I am going in the right direction, maybe worth a thought.
Maybe the defense with all of the supposed changes that have been made from last season and (seasons before, don't need to go there) are the reason that we go 6-6. Much has been said about huge, fast man in the middle, or two men in the middle. Tree has been reported as being NFL ready now. Jones at linebacker has been unblockable. Robinson calling the formations on defense and he is supposed to have a tight grip on that. Tyson reportedly has become a terror playing end. If the defense were to look anything like last years team, I would be at a loss as to what the heck is going on.
If we take what I mentioned above, and we know that there is talent on the offensive side of the ball, without going into each name and every position, that would blow me away. AM has stated openly that they expect to score more this year than was scored last season. If that is the case, we are talking about 35-40 points a game. That is a lot in my way of thinking. So the offense should do its job and not cause the defense a lot of problems. That also works vice-versa.
SI predicts 6-6. Have also seen some predictions from others close to that.
With that kind of talent and the basket seems to be full of talent, I whole heartedly agree that it would be time to find a leader. I have never seen this much talent on a UGA football team, that is a fact. One thing that must be remembered though is every school or most schools have a basket full of talent these days.
I agree with you, it comes down to coaching. Fire is lit, fuse is getting short, Boise State real soon. Basically on our turf.
Have a great weekend.