thriller, think it might be ok for you to be a bit carried away, for sure none of the other posters on here go that route . . .
I try real hard not to use the word "hate", sometimes can't help myself.
I do hate the fact that what I am seeing in these young players, coaches and everyone involved in playground football, (meaning American football up to professional) turning a blind eye.
College football (American) is as close to being "totally" corrupt as any sport that makes its way onto the tube these days. That is where most of us get our information. Too many outside "sources" that keep the corruption at arms length, just far enough away not to be touched by any governing source.
Who the hell would have thought 20 or 30 years ago we would have shoe manufacturers controlling not only the media, but the schools that supposedly are pure? If anyone does not buy the last statement, give me a challenge and we can go from there.
Will also say this again . . . many months ago there was a huge discussion on this board about athletes and where the game was going.
Many of you read this board, for some reason stay silent, that is what is wrong with the system. All of us have a right to speak our minds, whether right or wrong. Another reason that I respect Duck so much. It comes down to what you believe, so who knows, maybe there is no right or wrong. Maybe I should re-phrase that and say express an opinion. Something other than FIRST. Hard to deal with idiots. My choice of words, whether right or wrong. IDIOTS.
I started to post the youtube site again showing the payoffs to KIDS. Did post it before, if you did not see it, or would like to, speak up.
Here is what I am after. I want football played the American way. No cheating, just good hardnosed hit you in the mouth football. Don't need all of the crap surrounding the game. Dancing in the endzone, fine with me, to a point. Good for the fans, good for the team. Keep the damn shoe salesmen out of the game. Wonder what the Nike uniforms will look like? Could give a frigging damn less, what does that have to do with a recently recruited "Dream Team" . . . Maybe more than this Old Fart knows.