My wife SOMEHOW found this place called Randall-Glen farm etc. Luxury cabins in the mountains actually on a farm like setting. Pretty cool really and very relaxing. Rode horses, kids milked a cow, hiked, panned for emeralds, rubies etc (didn't find enough to retire though). They had about 7 Great Pyrannies (sp?) dogs that were UNBELIEVABLE. They were "guardian" dogs and went everywhere with you, slept on your porch etc to protect you from any and everything. Sweet, very gentle, BIG dogs.....very cool. I would leave to go down the hill to workout and one would always get up and come with me (and stay the whole hour), without me calling them.....just their nature to protect you, sheep, or whatever. Best part of the trip for me.....then got home and saw DJ (my Bulldawg) and he looked like a runt....pretty funny.