
HAHAHA!!! SEC still undefeated against tOSU

13 years 7 months ago #36952 by Buc
Makes me wonder how much larger the payoff was than the quarter million thrown out for all to see. They (OSU) seem to know how to hide those car and tat deals.

NCAA let them play in the Sugar . . . talk about a deal that was "Sugar Coated".

Believe that the NCAA and OSU were caught off guard when one of their own (OSU) players came forward and said it had been going on for years. Then for some reason, he had a memory lapse and mis-spoke. Seems to be a street word that is commonly used these days. Did notice that ESPN moved away from the issue, and then on to something very important . . . . the Tenth Street Gnats.

ESPN/OSU/NCAA . . . in the joint it is called belonging to a gang. Not gang of "six" in Washington, gang of "three" in college football. Both are corrupt.

Go Dawgs . . . . Coach This Year's Team UP!! Schedule will not get any easier in the foreseeable future. 2011 is set up perfectly for a good SEC team.

Putting together some stats from last season and looking at our schedule for the 2011 season. Handwriting is on the wall, move up or move out. Hard to argue with results or lack thereof. 2010 is not in the test tube, 2011 is a huge year for us and all involved. I sure hope what Richt said in Alabama turns out to be the case.

Many predicting an eight win season. Top recruiting classes or not, that won't work when we start looking at gate receipts.

Offense scored 32 points on average a game last season. Defense allowed approximately 25 points a game. With both sides of the ball having the players we want, with this schedule, offense should score 30 or more every game, that includes South Carolina and Florida, and I have my eye on Auburn.

Defense takes one touchdown off of the board each game, this is a ten win team. No damn excuses. Coach Them Up . . . . Got off of the OSU thingy, hard for me to walk around behind a mule that farts. :)

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13 years 7 months ago #36956 by RxCowboy
First, let me just say that I am sick to death with the pretentious The Ohio State University, so this is not without bias... but I have a good friend who are very close to the Ohio State football program... like his Dad was an all-american in basketball at Ohio State and retired from Ohio State as a professor, and he played football there himself... and if half of what he is telling me is true... and the NCAA does NOT slap tOSU with lack of institutional control... well, then the NCAA needs to apologize to every institution that they HAVE hit with LOIC. And don't be surprised when the athletic director and university president both resign, too.

And then Auburn needs to be taken down as well.

GATA! Woof!

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13 years 7 months ago #36957 by thriller
It's gone down already. NCAA will NOT cite them with ANY additional violations and will NOT cite them with lack of institutional control. The whole lot of them STINK to high heaven. We need to disband the entire NCAA.

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13 years 7 months ago #36958 by Buc
RxCowboy wrote:

First, let me just say that I am sick to death with the pretentious The Ohio State University, so this is not without bias... but I have a good friend who are very close to the Ohio State football program... like his Dad was an all-american in basketball at Ohio State and retired from Ohio State as a professor, and he played football there himself... and if half of what he is telling me is true... and the NCAA does NOT slap tOSU with lack of institutional control... well, then the NCAA needs to apologize to every institution that they HAVE hit with LOIC. And don't be surprised when the athletic director and university president both resign, too.

And then Auburn needs to be taken down as well.

RxCowboy, my wife is involved in the insurance business with a family that is big time OSU. There is constant conversation from the family about how tired they are of being treated so harshly by public opinion. Amazes the heck out of me.

Funny thing about this (if it is funny) is they were trembling in their high tops until it appears that the NCAA showed their true colors. NCAA knows that they are going to catch a lot of flack, but they also know that when football starts, these issues with OSU will fade because the excitement of college football is back. Old political game that has been played for many years, now being front and center in college football.

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13 years 7 months ago #36959 by wlayton
Actually Buc, the NCAA is glad to take the flak on this situation because the MONEY generated by OSU is more important to them and CF in general than their integrity.


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13 years 7 months ago #36960 by Buc
wlayton wrote:

Actually Buc, the NCAA is glad to take the flak on this situation because the MONEY generated by OSU is more important to them and CF in general than their integrity.

Appears that you and I are on the same page wlayton. With many of the posts on this subject, MONEY has been one of the central issues.

I understand that the State of Ohio has become a depressed area for many. If we check the mass migration that is and continues in the Southeast and in particular the State of Florida, not real difficult to understand that something is wrong. Maybe a lot of that has to do with China and other countries making products that we at one time made.

My point is this . . . While I hate to see a proud State like Ohio have to go through so much, it bothers me that certain areas of business, and yes college football is a huge business, can escape punishment because of the MONEY. Due diligence was not paid by those on campus at OSU (President and Athletic Director) and others. Never been a proponent of sacrificial lambs, such as what happened at OSU. If our Athletic Director had not been caught in Atlanta, odds are good that he would still be Athletic Director. That night in Atlanta was probably the first time he had done something like this. (TIC) Same applies to the leaders at OSU, they did not really know anything was going on. Twenty-One year olds are supposed to be driving expensive sports cars.

Huge cover-up going on, and it disgusts the heck out of me. Just another head stone for college football.

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