When I put a little thought into what the changes have produced in Athens the past couple of years, it does stand out like a sore thumb to me.
I can't start to visualize what UGA football would look like had WM been allowed to stay on board. Takes me back to what sadlerdawg said above. While we as fans might not know anything about football, where does that leave Richt when it comes to hiring coaches. Took a huge uproar from fans to get someones attention about the lack of coaching ability on the defensive side of the ball. Not just a defensive coach, the DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR. The same coordinator that refused to stay until the game against A&M was played. His damn feelings were hurt, so he took all of the loot that UGA fans had put into his pockets and slithered off. That was Richt's choice, makes me wonder how someone so knowledgable about football could have made such an error in coaching judgment. There was a lot of sympathy for Richt having to release his college buddy from his duties. Not on my part, the tire is flat, fix it.
Now we come to the South Carolina thingy. If, I said if . . . . Spurrier brings his team to Athens and beats us, that will be enough for me. I know that South Carolina is a good team with a solid running back, and a damn good defense. SS was also savy enough to reinstate his quarterback. He knows that he needs Garcia between the Hedges in Athens. Like SS or not, that is using his head in the coaching department. Like Saban, Spurrier plays only to win. Not kick field goals inside the ten yard line in what appeared to be a meaningless bowl game against UCF.
Then I take a peek at UGA and the players on our team. Jenkins for example is not a rookie by any means. Gaithers comes to us by way of South Carolina and we have read much about his improved talents. Much or should I say some of that improvement talk about Gaithers coming from Grantham. Several on this board have questioned our defensive backs concerning solid play. We have talent there, will they step up this year. Some say we should be putting more pressure on the quarterback with our new defensive style of play, giving our DB's needed time in coverage. Guess that also goes back to having the right defensive coordinator being chosen by our coach.
Guess we now come down to the offensive side of the ball. To this point I feel that our Offensive Coordinator fits into that same category that WM was once in. By that I mean he is being protected by his head coach. There has been a lot said about Bobo but it appears that he is on safe ground at this point. UGA has as much or more talent on the offensive side of the ball as any team in the SEC. While there is some question about the offensive line in my way of thinking, I know that we have two very good players on the offensive line. Another thing, if UGA is going to run a pro style offense, first damn thing a coach has to do is build an offensive line. If you stay in the pro style offense year after year, you better have a better than good offensive line year after year.
Coach Them Up are not words used lightly. They have great meaning. I hope the coaches do just that, and I would also hope or want to be sure that my coordinators are doing the job that myself as head coach would want. Hold on to our hats, this is going to be a season to remember, one way or another. I hope for the best, I am however a realist and must say this. I jumped up and down with the hiring of Richt, totally on his side and knew that UGA had done the right thing. As I said, I am a realist. I am of the opinion that Richt is a coordinator, offensive coordinator, not a head football coach. I also hope that Richt makes me look like a dumb ass and changes UGA football from where we have been the past few years to where we would like to be. He is the head coach.
Go Dawgs . . . . Coach Them Up!!