sadlerdawg, I am in line with your thinking about the trouble maker. Too long these young players are coming to campus carrying that BMOC tag on their jerseys. Sad part of that to me, they have been allowed to continue their "hood" way of acting in the real world. Sad part of continuing that type of attitude is that the staff has been aware and for far too long looked the other way.
I see coaches getting raises, and if a person deserves a raise, go for it. One recent raise seemed to be based on the recruiting talents of one coach. If that is the case, did this coach recently become a good or great recruiter? Why were his talents not recognized prior to the last recruited class. As reported, other schools were after a particular coach . . . . did they know before we did that this coach could recruit?
Our house has not been in order for several years. Seems it took an outsider who graduated from UGA to come in and set the bar high and say enough is enough. Too often I have read and heard that this was the first losing season under Richt. I say to that, if he had ran the program with competency, we have had the material to play in a MNC.
Could not be happier that Richt has shown some backbone. Took McGarity kicking him in the butt it appears, but UGA is larger than one, two or three coaches.
With the schedule that we have this season, the quantity of quality players on campus will not allow slips of any sort. If we beat the teams that we should beat and lose to say Boise State, South Carolina and there is always Florida, there will be a major upheavel in Athens. Schedule is perfect for a reversal of 6-7, McGarity knows this and now Richt is very aware.
Again I applaud Richt for releasing this cancer of a young fellow that will probably never grow up. Like kentdaddy, I wish him well, but that starts with him growing some damn balls. Appears to me that Coach JTII hurt this puppies feelings like they have never been hurt before. What did Ealey do, put his lips out. Like a two year old pouting when he did not get his way. Had this young fellow been in the military, his ass would be in the brig. Sailors never liked the brig, Marines ran it. Knew there were tough times ahead.
Case in point . . . Boise State is ranked in the top ten preseason. Again this recruiting class is not rated in the top 100,000. They lost some players on both sides of the ball. If they win in Atlanta, that falls on coaching, not quality of players on the field.
I sincerely hope that what we are seeing from Richt is real and not just a promise to a highly rated player heading in our direction. If the players are allowed to run the show, they will. Many of us have children, we know when we need to step in and make the necessary corrections . . . . football is no different, if you are alert and doing your job, when corrections are needed there is no second guessing and making deals only makes the end result unmanageable.
Another case in point is Houston. Anyone that thinks that he was not using the blunts in college . . . . could be, but I have my suspicions.
Just really tired of seeing college football being ruined by players and coaches (theOSU) and others outside the game. Hoping that UGA can stand clear of the dirt in the future. There are some things that will happen soon that will rock college football as we have known it.