Thanks wlayton. I am fine, just happen to have a mouth full of stitches to be taken out today.
If the VA used the CJT method on me . . . . guess I would be running laps, with two total hip replacements. Tereshinski will have the players that want to play on Saturdays close to his facilities through the summer months.
Have to say this. These young men playing football need to understand that this will probably be their "last chance" to improve their standing in todays society. All of a sudden we wake up and we are not 18-25 years old any more. Clock does not stop for anyone, and we have to take advantage of what the good Lord has given us.
I admire those that walk on, carry the case load and "earn" their UGA letters. While these guys may not win us a SEC or MNC, they are leaders in my book.
averagedawg, Richt has used two off color remarks this year. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
I really enjoy posting with you folks . . . . . you never would have known that as little as I have to say. Great weekend wished for all, and the Lord's blessings on those that need us now.