
From Athens - AQWIA

13 years 10 months ago #35844 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:From Athens - AQWIA
I had forgotten about some of Richt's comments in the not too distant past. sadlerdawg brings up a good point . . . usually does.

Rubber has to meet the road this year.

What is the popular political statement being made by both political parties presently . . . "we have to stop kicking the can down the road". Think that is the message that has been given in Athens.

There comes a time when you can no longer kick the can down the road.

I hope this team comes together this year and beats the you know what out of everyone on our schedule. Schedule will probably never be more in our favor than this year. If we lose as many games as some predict . . . . . won't be fun for any of us.

AllDawgs5 you and ogredawg mean a lot to this board, reason, you both know the game. Hang around folks, both +'s.

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13 years 10 months ago #35846 by sadlerdawg
Replied by sadlerdawg on topic Re:From Athens - AQWIA
AD5, I get what you're saying, but when you're in a business where fans basically pay the bills for the most part, alienating them whenever you get frustrated is arrogant and uncalled for, IMO. Fans are basically paying for a product that they feel they haven't been getting for 3+ years now, and if some of them question his methods, he should either explain them, or just give the old "No comment". Insulting them and questioning their football knowledge? Absurd.
But what really sticks in my craw about the arena comment, is that MANY fans who are dissatisfied HAVE been in the arena. I have, you have, many on this board have. Maybe not at UGA, but most of us have strapped the helmets on in fronot of crowds, and we know what we're talking about. Him berating all fans by implying that none of us know what we're talking about has always aggravated me. Maybe I'm too sensitive about that, but that's just my opinion.


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13 years 10 months ago #35847 by AllDawgs5
Replied by AllDawgs5 on topic Re:From Athens - AQWIA
I agree Sadlerdawg. This board is probably the most football educated board I have ever heard. Said it many times and always will. I look forward to reading post.

I agree with you. The comments by Richt were uncalled for. But I also think it is uncalled for to call out a coach in front of a crowd. This is just not for calling out coaches, I don't think you should ever challenge someone publically for the purpose of embarassing them. That fan could have addressed the question differently, or approached him after the open Q and A.

I look at it like this. I can only imagine the hundreds of thousands of suggestions Richt is receiving through all the outlets. I would think all of us would probably get frustrated if everyday, hundreds of people were instructing us on how to do our jobs. Especially, if they have never had a job in the profession that I am in. I am confident all on this board, have played, coach, something directly involved with the game, but can you imagine how many out there have not? I am not saying what he did was right, because it wasn't, but everyone has a point. We have all lost our cool when people are constantly barking instructions at us on how to fix our problem.

Buc, hope everything is alright. Guys have a great weekend. Be safe and thankful.

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13 years 10 months ago #35848 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:From Athens - AQWIA
Probably some of you folks have read this, if not, I thought it was a very good read and like the way the case was laid out. Get a chance, take a look. Personally, I like Richt pissed off (excuse me). One statement in the article hit home to me . . . if it ain't working, change.

Ad5, I am doing well. Will say this again . . . . take one day in your life (everyone) if you have not before and visit a VA Clinic or Hospital in your area. It will truly, and I mean this. . . . TRULY SHOW YOU WHAT TEAM WORK IS ALL ABOUT. Sorry to shout (capital letters). These young citizens that belong to our DOD are participating every day, not 11 or 12 or 13 games a year. Sorry, just want folks to understand that these young folks are playing a game that can cost you your life, not a busted joint and they sure as hell won't make millions on a contract, or as an owner want your money to build them a larger stadium for the haves, not the have nots. Game used to belong to the people, now it belongs to ??? Again sorry, I love those that do more than talk.

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13 years 10 months ago #35850 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re:From Athens - AQWIA
Great board.....knowledgable people.....excellent participating.

Thanks. :woohoo: :woohoo:


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