Read another article this afternoon about Ken Malcome. Know that he has been having some problems with injury, but this young man stays after it. He is not a quitter. Seems to be a lot of that going on in Athens these days. Folks really are competing for positions and playing time.
Cream rises to the top, just glad to hear and see the "attitude" change on campus. More and more it looks as if Coach JT has become that missing link. JT has the "attitude" . . . . others that think they have "it". . . . beware.
Coach JT will be with these players year round, does not count against the team on the NCAA rules as I understand them. Other coaches can't put the time in that JT can. Glad to see a semi-old hard butt waking these young sprouts up. Not like JT didn't play football for UGA, he understands the game. A great choice for the new surroundings. We might lose, don't think we will quit. Coach JT would not like that, now would he . . . . .