I just caught up on the Ray Drew thing. Honestly, I think we could do without the high school version of Terrell Owens and Chad Ochocinco/Johnson (or whatever his new name is). We've had enough off field antics for the entire century in just the last year. At work, I'm the butt of every prison joke they can hit me with, after UGA won the "Phil Fulmer Award" last year for most off season arrests. I'm not kidding you . . . there is actually an over/under for UGA football player arrests, complete with a judge and rules. (My colleagues are some of the best folks around - I love my job! My pick was 6.)
I'm just afraid that if we DO land this one, he'll drink/molest/brawl/show-boat/"locker-room-fodder" his way right off the team.
Whatever happened to quiet confidence? Remember Herschel? Hearst? Edwards (Robert AND Terrence)? Ward (before he bought the mink coat)? Thomas Brown? Seymour? Grant? Those guys were phenomenal, and they somehow didn't seem to have the need to bring attention to themselves except in critical game situations, and seemed to always come through when we needed them. Okay, maybe not Terrence on ONE pass, but overall he did good.
Anyway, part of me will be disappointed if Drew goes to Florida (where I firmly believe he is headed), and part of me will breath a sigh of relief. $0.02.