
Saban comments

14 years 5 months ago #32235 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:Saban comments
AllDawgs5, the statement below seems to go back to a thread this past week when there were a lot of opinions. Are you trying to open that same conversation again?

Hate to say this, but I get the feeling there are some out there that would rather see Richt fail. Don't know how people can say they are fully behind a team when they are not behind the coach. Don't know how a divided house can stand.

You are a member of this board/site, so I am guessing that is pointed at some here.

Personally, think it is not out of the realm of possibility that some here are behind the UGA team, but not enthralled with the coach or coaches.

My question to you would be something like this . . . Why has Richt changed some of his coaching attitudes? Running on the field with the team. Monday full pads, head on, no excuses. There are other things that could be discussed.

It is not about Richt failing, it is about UGA playing to potential. Have you not witnessed the team slipping a bit, slipping with a lot of talent? Do you think that these young players come to UGA to be second fiddle?

Go into years past, as you did before, this is 2010 not 4, 5, 6 years ago. Speaking for myself, I want to win every game that we play. If we lose, I want to know that our coaching was not the reason for our loss. Can you honestly say that we have not lost games because of our coaching staff? Don't care about other teams and their problems, concerned with UGA football and getting the most bang for our buck. . . .

Why did Richt release WM? Why did it take media and fan pressure for him to do that? Those are facts.

Richt gets his act together, be glad to stand in his undivided house. Five, six, seven, eight win seasons with the talent that resides in Athens, count me out with this coach.

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14 years 5 months ago #32237 by sadlerdawg
Replied by sadlerdawg on topic Re:Saban comments
These are things that make a coach, well, a good coach. It's not just practicing hard versus limited contact. There is strength training, nutrition, flexibility, discipline (and by that I mean such things as curfews--easier to get injured if you're playing with a hangover), and many other things that are involved. And without ever having coached (I have played, but not coached), I can assure you that not having two a days is stupid. That's why our players appear soft and are wiped out by the middle of the 3rd quarter.
A good coach, especially one who's been a head coach for 10 years and an OC for several before that, can find the balance in all this. As Buc says, I would have been glad to support Richt had he taken care of all this. But I've not seen anything, other than his latest sideshow that will only last a few weeks (see 2007 after UT spanking and beating Vandy on a last second FG), to prove to me that he's intent on changing.


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14 years 5 months ago #32238 by kentdaddy
Replied by kentdaddy on topic Re:Saban comments
I have viewed Richt as soft for years.

He is of the more wimpy personality type judging by what I have seen. He used to be flippant about the penalties because he came from FSU. Well, I don't do flippant when it comes to discipline.

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14 years 5 months ago #32241 by AllDawgs5
Replied by AllDawgs5 on topic Re:Saban comments
Buc, it is a feeling that I get from a few on this board, but was mainly the views that I received from a few at the game last Saturday. Very few, but it seemed that they would rather see the team lose to ensure that Richt get axed and I get that feeling from a few on this board. Not many, but can remember a few post. Not really trying to bring up last week, sorry if I did. I am just starting to think that no matter who coached our Dawgs, eventually they would no longer be good enough.

As for Kent Daddy, sorry again for forgetting that you were the toughest, badest man in the world. By the way, my 13 niece just got her black belt in Tae Kwan Do. You really have to be tough to do that martial arts.

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14 years 5 months ago #32242 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re:Saban comments
AllDawgs5 wrote:

Buc, it is a feeling that I get from a few on this board, but was mainly the views that I received from a few at the game last Saturday. Very few, but it seemed that they would rather see the team lose to ensure that Richt get axed and I get that feeling from a few on this board. Not many, but can remember a few post. Not really trying to bring up last week, sorry if I did. I am just starting to think that no matter who coached our Dawgs, eventually they would no longer be good enough.

As for Kent Daddy, sorry again for forgetting that you were the toughest, badest man in the world. By the way, my 13 niece just got her black belt in Tae Kwan Do. You really have to be tough to do that martial arts.

I've got a black belt in my closet........oh......for toughness?..... I just use a crowbar.


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14 years 5 months ago #32243 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:Saban comments
AllDawgs5, I can't really speak for others, whether I agree or disagree. I have my thoughts when participating on a site such as this one, it is hard not to say more than has been said to this point.

Bad fans, bad coaches. Not a lot separates either category.

Richt is beginning to try and change many folks opinion of whether he is soft or not. Should not come to this, especially letting it get to this point.

Don't really know how much you know or are aware of Bobby Bowden. He in fact did get the FSU program off and running.

While Richt is too young to have done the same at UGA, he did in fact come into a program that needed change. The change worked, and one of the reasons for that is he had talent from the beginning. Also, Richt did his job of "coaching" at that point.

Bowden let FSU get out of control, used some of the language at his press conferences that Richt is using now. Some call it coach speak. Problem with coach speak is that somewhere or somehow the problems facing the team have to be fixed or there is surely going to be trouble down the road.

That is one of the problems that Richt is running into right now. He allowed the program to move too far to the left or right, according to which side of the issue we are on. From my perspective he moved too far to the left.

Now that the pressure has mounted, not just squeaky voices are sounding off, shouts are coming from not only the "pretenders", the dyed in the wool UGA supporters have reached a sound level that I have not heard in quite some time. New AD is looking at the football program closely, King Adams is always up for more media time.

Do I think that our program has suffered and will suffer more embarrassment . . . . someone needs to explain to me how and when this will stop. I keep thinking that the last arrest will be the last arrest. Two game suspension because Richt wants the players to understand he is clamping down. If that is tough love, then I wish both the player and coach better luck at their next stop. You or I miss a court date, punishment will be more than not playing two football games.

Bowden warned Richt there would be days like this. BB should know, he played his hand the same way MR is playing his hand now.

When we have a player that we are trying to recruit start bringing up our problems with law enforcement, another top prospect that many want on the Dline says he is going to have to look at the UGA program closer, not liking what he sees.

These are not "pretenders" sitting in the stands or some on the internet. These are young folks that want to be in a program that has direction. Don't want to have a repeat of the failed portion of the FSU program. It has taken many years for FSU to dig their way out. Same can happen to UGA.

Maybe you are right . . . MR will turn this team around and get back to "coaching" rather than relegating too much to others. He probably has a year left, but it had better be a damn good one.

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