Since the downfall of our program this year, not the years leading up to what we are witnessing now, so many posts all over the internet about UGA and how we have hit the bottom.
Guess that I agree with the downfall, no, agree with the downfall.
The posts that get to me the most go something like this. . . . .
If all of us keep complaining and posting how bad things are at UGA, it is going to kill us come recruiting and signing.
Give me a damn break. We (UGA) have been in the top ten recruiting classes more than half of MR's tenure. With the talent that has played between the Hedges, MR should have won a heck of a lot more games than he has lost. Tired of patting this guy on his back. You have this type of talent on your squad, the expectations better be off of the board. Excuses are not accepted.
Back to the point. Mullen takes a team that he has had for two years, Miss State, and basically kicks our butts. Top ten athletes, no, some call it coaching. Meyer hating losing Mullen, take that to the bank.
UM comes to town, takes Florida to the top, not once, but twice. Playing a huge game in Tuscaloosa tomorrow.
Coach Saban, I say coach because that is exactly what he is. NOT A PRETENDER. Takes UA to the top and is riding high again this year. Alabama has certainly held on to the number one rating longer than our brief look at the top, after beating a defenseless Hawaii team, we were dumped because we did not know HOW TO WIN. Another glowing error by MR. Take it easy on folks when you have talent like UGA has had, be real careful not to run the score up.
Tomorrow Alabama and Florida will square off. Wonder how many people across the nation will be watching that game at eight o'clock in the evening. . . .meanwhile MR and our team are going to play Colorado . . . wonder how many folks across the nation are filled with excitement about our game.
Richt, you served UGA well for a while. Time for our university to make a serious hire. Not sure that the "serious hire" is not on the other side of the line. . . .CTG. This defense will only get better, that is if King Adams gets his butt out of the way. Which will not happen in my opinion. CTG will move on like BVG, KS and WM.
My serious hope is that our new AD will be able to move about freely. That will be a hard thing to do with King Adams lurking. When the tills start falling, much like they did with other coaching miscues, then we will see positive moves. MR was a positive move when he reported to the campus. Not sure if he became complacent or can't keep up with the coaching hires that UF, UA, MS and others have made. I think it is both. Hate to say this . . . Petrino kicked his butt. Totally out coached MR and MB. Take one or both, they are responsible for the offense. When Arkansas needed a score, they got it. Don't even talk to me about the CLOCK.
End with this . . . TOP TEN CLASSES MY FANNY. Look what Mullen did with no STARS!! Maybe it is the lack of COACHING. . . . One old farts opinion.
Go Dawgs . . . Colorado is a beautiful State. Wanna Play Some Football . . . .