CMR should be OUR HEAD COACH!!!! Yes he has let his heart get ahead of his head but he will get us to the promised land!!! No one is more UPSET than I am when UGA loses I PROMISE YOU!!! I wake up at night with plays going threw my head. CMB either takes a demotion or goes. AJ screwed us and should go because he is in it for the money anyway he is leaving after this yr!!! CTG needs his own guys in there we do not have the BIGGUNS in there to play a 3-4 as I thought. If we get rid of CMR there is no one else out there that wont take yrs anyway. He just needs a new OC and another RB and get some junior co. BEEF D lineman to run the 3-4 like cody from Ala. They at least have FIGHT in them this week I still say we win 27 - 24 but win or lose IM still Behind CMR. Do yall remember donnan and ray Gump?
Once A DAWG Always A DAWG