Short story wlayton. (Is that possible

Big hit, I played QB. Had been knocked goofy before. Put me in an ambulance, news to me at that point. First memory was being awake in a doctors chair, much like a dental chair. Doctor had my eye lids open with one hand and shining a light into my eyes with the other. Doctor said, not good.
Our defensive coach had left the game to ride in the ambulance with me and a couple of high schoolers that took care of the football team.
Coach Patterson asked Doctor Lipscomb if I could return to the game . . . . I will stop there. Doctor Lipscomb used some language that I am sure any Sailor has yet to learn.
I understand Rambo. Big big hit against Auburn. You never truly get past those blackouts. More is known today, and that is good. Sorry for the long wind again, many on this board I am sure have had their "bell rung".