yankeedawg1 wrote:
Buc-wlayton we are old enough to know about comfort level. CMR has three new coaches and might say he is the fourth. He is in the game much more than any of the 7 years that I have been in Athens. Point being he is not about the same ole WM hangover.Word from his radio shows and off campus seems to confirm this. I spoke with one local here and what we saw from CTG on the sideline two weeks ago is a cookie and warm milk session as to what is going on in practice this week.
I want to thank SS for his little jab to CTG about not running the zone middle run in the NFL. The shoe is on the other foot next year when the Fowls come to Athens. Somewhere that date is circled and payback is double. Mr. Lattimore won't be seaking up on anyone again this season. Go Dawgs
Damn good post yankeedawg1. Hope you are on this board for a long time to come. Your posts mean a lot to me, and I feel sure to others.
This is probably the beginning of what we all hoped for concerning UGA football. Remember seeing Coach Grantham talking in Coach Richt's ear during the SC game. This could be really good. Can't stand SS, look forward to another date with SC. Changes are not only on the way to Athens, they are in place . . . . for the most part. Only see one flaw. Will leave that alone for now.
Go Dawgs!!