sadlerdawg, guess that I will start here.
The school offers a quality education to all, not just "jocks". However, if you look at the numbers and the revenue that the "jocks" bring into the system, far out weighs any other source.
Take the football program out of UGA and insert soccer, gymnastics or swimming or track or baseball, does not work. Stadium expansion is not built on alumni dollars, truthfully, it is built on ESPN, CBS and other television contracts. Think that the latest figure that I have seen is 1.2 billion dollars for SEC rights for what . . . . sports. For the most part . . . football. When is the last time any of us were waiting for any of the above mentioned sports to hit the tube other than football. Somehow, computer science is never mentioned.
The college ranks are in my opinion, the training grounds for the NFL. The same NFL that takes the game a bit further and puts the dollars in the pockets of the owners and can end a young players career with a single injury. I understand that. That is a contract and both sides can agree or disagree. Only takes a signature.
Now the young BMOC has lost his or her chance at making millions. That again, is the chance these young athletes take. They shun the "free education" that the college offered, meaning that they put basket weaving in front of an education. If you are in the marketing business, one question must be asked . . . what brings the capital into the system? If tomorrow your football team does not meet the standards that the paying public scream for, what is the final result. I don't have to answer that one.
Newspapers are all but dead. Therefore, if they are to survive, they have to develop a source of raising revenue. New York Times is basically on its last legs. When is the last time someone quoted a phrase from the newspaper, meaning print media . . . the print media has moved to the internet, web presses don't generate capital anymore.
Guess I am trying to say this . . . the BUSINESS OF FOOTBALL should not only make the school prosper, it should aide that young player that has a agent/runner in his or her ear not only skirting the NCAA rules but ruining the chances of that person getting not only an education but furthering themselves in the BUSINESS OF FOOTBALL. Why the hell would an agent want a top notch football player staying in school for four years? Loses a lot of capital that way.
I left a lot of holes in the above, probably easy to make an argument. Would like to see where others are on this.
No, will not leave this without saying . . . . there should be some capital for these young athletes to enjoy while they are in school. Do that, maybe some changes will occur in the whores that Coach Saban made mention to. Don't care how that happens, I know that some changes need to be made. Made not for the Jerry Jones and other NFL owners, changes for the folks like "Big Daddy Lipscomb" and others that made the league. Many that played in the "League" and gave it up for crumbs. Most of those folks could not get past the fourth grade on the learning scale, but they put millions and multi-millions in the pockets of those that could care less about the "game". Caring about the "game" is for suckers like me.
One last shot . . . NASCAR has tried its dead level best to put "Junior" on top of the sport. He is not, will not ever be what his Father was. I grew up way before any of these folks were born, including Dale. The real heroes are the dirt track boys that grew up in the South, and paved the way for the corporations to move in and make the bucks. Football, NASCAR, whatever, time to stop and take a good, long, hard look at OURSELVES.
I have more, know that it will be easy to shoot holes in this post, and if anyone chooses, look forward as I said in the beginning, bring it on, let us see what is really on our minds.
Grew up in the South and damn proud! Go Dawgs!!