Tucker at the AJC has an article on AO and the coaches. Suspended for one game apparently. Not going to say a lot about the suspension or length of the suspension.
Recently UGA was again . . . not the first time . . . named "#1 Party School". If we stop and take a look at that kind of garbage coming to these young folks from the television media, looks to be a long, slippery slope to me. Almost encouraging the young folks to head to Athens. Just how I feel.
There are a lot of folks that have been and will be in the stadium tomorrow that have been there for 40, 50, 60 years and more. I think about the longevity of the folks that love UGA and its football team, and it really bothers me that the same people that cheer for these players basically get garbage thrown in their faces.
Like I said earlier, don't beat me up too bad, but . . . . . Professional players are fined thousands of dollars and it does not seem to make a difference in the final outcome as to how they will play or act. Haynesworth, Ocho Cinco and others. Pockets full of money and not a damn bit of respect for the game or the public that puts those millions in their pockets.
I feel the same way about some of these 1 game suspensions in college . . . does anyone think that really gets the players attention . . . . they do some other things like run laps, stadium steps, etc. Guess the only way to judge that is down the road a ways.
Heard on the news a few minutes ago that Masoli will be the quarterback at Ole Miss this year. NCAA lost that case. One of not too many times that I was on the side of the NCAA and some its rulings.
All of us on this board will never agree on everything, feel its does not hurt to type what you think and let the chips fall where they will.
Hope that we play a lot of folks tomorrow, also hope that everyone that is able to attend the game has a great Saturday in Athens. Special place, special people.
Go Dawgs! Silver Britches also . . .