and I realize I'll be prying the lid off a can of worms that is frought with imperfect analysis, BUT, the number of games played per season has risen above those played a decade or more ago. In order to compare \"apples to apples\", one would need to factor winning percentage, rather than sheer number of victories...Otherwise your question would only apply to the short period of time since the last change in annual number of opponents.
That being said, I believe the 1980-1984 UGA class rivals and perhaps surpasses the accomplishments of CUM's Cryer's! Likewise, one could advance the notion that Herschel did in 3 what took Timmie 4 to surpass. Given the increased number of opponents per season, plus an additional year, I suspect Herschell's TD record would be intact. Then again, I took issue when steroid boy leapt of Hank Aaron's HR record....
UF has a great deal to be proud of. And while I LOATHE all things Meyer, I concede he is one hell of a coach and the perfect villian...uuhh, for UF....And Herschell, he is/was a freak of nature, a leader...everything I wish Stafford could have been,...and I'm glad he is GONE!!!!
As a whole, the SEC has a great deal to be proud of. From the days of the Bear, Dooley, Philsbury DoughBoy and Darth Visor, to CMR, CUM and Satan (Saban)...legends have been borne, records smashed and envy drips from the mouths that wished they competed at the level we do!
GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto