oledog, how is this for class? Vandy absolutely won that game (assuming they would have made the two point conversion). The ref completely blew that call and his stripes ought to be revoked. You see, I'm not completely unreasonable. As far as our game tomorrow (and yes I'll be there), I'm absolutely concerned that the Evil Genius will beat us. You see, I'm not on here shouting how great we are this year, because we're not. We're very mediocre, which made the win against the dawggies all that more fulfilling. I understand your anger towards me has to do more with the humiliation of losing to us AGAIN, and losing your shot at the national championship, AGAIN. How you sleep at night, I don't know. And jacket, as far as our fans go PUH-LEASE, you guys have just as many redneck fans as we do, ours simply have a few more teeth