If we want to be in the NC game, we gotta do as Ric Flair sez....To be the man, ya gotta beat the man.....WHOOO !! LOL....In all seriousness, beating the man (UF) is something we havent done regularly since the 80s. We have learned under CMR to beat Tennesee, and we usually split with AU, and we haven't lost to Tech, but we havent learned to beat UF. Until we learn to carry ourselves with the same swagger and confident air that we do whenever we play Tech, we arent gonna be successful against UF. Remember the teams of the 80s? They thought they were supposed to win against UF, no matter how the odds were stacked against them. We havent felt that way about a UF game in 20 years. If we win now, people say we were lucky, as opposed to when we won then.....Back then, we were supposed to win over UF. It was just expected......