Heisman Race Breakdown
The Members of the Heisman Trophy Trust invite you to join us to celebrate the 73rd Annual Heisman Memorial Trophy® Dinner
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hilton New York, Grand Ballroom
5:30pm VIP Reception
7:00pm Dinner
Please join us in honoring the newest member of the Heisman Fraternity and former winners
John David Crow (Texas A&M)
1957 Heisman Trophy Winner
on his 50th Anniversary
Herschel Walker (University of Georgia)
1982 Heisman Trophy Winner
on his 25th Anniversary
Charles Woodson (University of Michigan)
1997 Heisman Trophy Winner
on his 10th Anniversary
Hilton New York
(Grand Ballroom)
1335 Avenue of the Americas (53rd/54th)
New York City
Black Tie Preferred
On May 23, 1930, John W. Heisman was named the first Athletic Director of the Downtown Athletic Club of New York City. Serving in this capacity, Heisman organized and founded the Touchdown Club of New York, and later the National Football Coaches Association.
The actual ballots include a space for electors to designate three individuals for the Heisman Trophy.
Ladies and Gentlemen of this, the Forum, produced by the highly respected Steve, GREETINGS:
In recognition of the quality of astute, insightful, intriguing, engaging, masterful analyses, manifested time and time again through the posted comments on the said website forum, we do request and invite each and every one of the members of said forum to cast their vote for the college football player of their choice to receive the
Heisman Memorial Trophy.
Please observe the following format: 1) Cast your ballot by posting it on said forum; 2) Ballots must conform to the paragraph above which is underlined; 3) Player candidates and their background of performance may be reviewed on the web site designated at the top of this article.
Mr. DawgSpeare votes:
1. Tim Tebow
2. Colt Brennan
3. Darren McFadden