kentdaddy, that is very nice work; very impressive looking. Thanks for posting it. You do very good work, no question about it, and your position is both rational and supported by popular opinion. Additionally, you may be correct, but my aged crainial tissues still tell me otherwise.
Admittedly, I have not thought it through with exhaustive thoroughness. As I look at the pairings, I am immediately struck by the fact that you could have Central Michigan playing for the NC, and I further wonder about the interest in a Missouri vs Central Michigan game. But I may be jumping to contusions here; maybe it would be just fine. Maybe it would introduce new excitement without extinguishing the existing excitement. Maybe...maybe.
Another possibility would be to \"try it.\" How? Set the playoff system for a run of 3 to 5 years. It would necessarily expire after the trial period and would be evaluated for continuation or for reversion back to the old non-playoff system. I know that's not very likely. Just thinking a little bit (you know it's so difficult for me).