Recent History? History=old. Recent=new. I get the whole \"15 out of 18\" at work all the time. If you want to talk history, because that's what the past 15 out of 18 is. History. Of course just about 90% of all Gator fans only what to talk about the history THEY like. So let's take a stroll down memory lane. ( I know you know it, I just like saying it ) Who does have the all time win record? Say it with me, G-E-O-R-G-I-A
Remember, history=old. We've got you. If you want to talk recent. Remember, recent=new. We've got you. We've beat you more times in the past, and we've beat you THIS year. So I guess we've got the Recent and the history.
Nothing but respect for ya though. I like your style. Just giving you a hard time GAtor.