DawgDoc, another area that we as Georgia Folks have been blessed with, folks behind the mike. Each and every one of them were Red and Black to the "DawgBone"
Ed Thilenius was a favorite of mine DawgDoc, ran into a throat problem and had to give it up. Ed also worked what then was Channel 5 in Atlanta (WAGA-TV) (CBS) as the sportscaster. Bill Munday was as factual as any broadcaster . . . . ever. Mentioned some years back on this board that I spent some time quail hunting and Milo Hamilton was one in the group. Never cared for Milo, he was one of the main if not the main reason that Larry Munson left the Braves. Braves loss, Georgia's gain, for damn sure.
If you haven't read the article below, might take a look.