thriller, while you were away there was some back and forth about our offense under Bobo. Looking at some of those that we played, known for good defenses over the years, our offense put up some very impressive numbers.
Looking the final scores over, from where I sit, if the defensive side had played just a little better, season would not have ended 8-5. That is with an offense that lost some valuable pieces early on.
If our defense improves say . . . . 10 to 20% number wise this year, could get interesting. Hard for me to believe that Pruitt/Rocker and Company will not get at least 10% improvement on the defensive side of the ball.
Some will say we no longer have AM, lot of truth to that. If we get past AM, the other parts of our offense, if we stay healthy, could easily see 10% or more improvement on the offensive side. Thinking out loud and looking at numbers.