At this point, I'm willing to give the HC or DC jobs to a one-armed, flatulent circus monkey. One of the issues is that, at a certain point, the money becomes too good to quit on, and too expensive to bail on. CMR won't leave as long as he can win enough games to keep the Athletic Department dropping a couple of million on him every year. Would you? Todd Grantham sucks, and he probably knows this is the best money he will make for the snake oil he sold Georgia. Together, they just feel like a bad case of herpes...same crap coming back to haunt us every year. BTW, there's no cure for herpes...except abstinence and castration...and the powers that be must simply enjoy the feeling of getting screwed.
"The freedom of individuals to verbally to oppose or to challenge police actions without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state."