I was thinking of how "stagnant" our program has become, and then I decided to look up our "storied" history. Keep in mind that I still vividly recall the Sun Bowl we lost to Nebraska more than 40 years ago, so it's not like I haven't lived a lot of school history. I will hate Nebraska forever for that whoopin'. And I was in the stadium when Prince Charles himself witnessed the complete dismantling of our team by, of all teams, Kentucky. I was almost trampled to death in 1974 at the rain-soaked-35-degree tail kicking we suffered to Pepper Rogers and GT. Yes, I experienced 1980 (my freshman year at the hallowed ground in Athens), but I have also got terrible memories that make this year's Outback Bowl seem like a pep rally. Pepper Rogers, 1974, AAAARRGH!
When I looked up our history, I realized something - everyone on this board would have fired every single coach we've ever had, period. Pop Warner had one excellent year, one not-so-excellent year. Wallace Butts had many good years, and many SORRY years (went 2-5-2 one year . . . talk about FIRED). Coach Mehre, honestly, stunk it up. Dooley himself, while quite an upgrade over literally any other coach we ever had, certainly had some "disappointing" seasons.
I'll get toasted for just pointing this out, but Richt is truly - by FAR - the best coach we've ever had. Dooley benefited from the presence of one Herschel Walker - other than that, he had some good years, but did not compare to Richt.
I'm not starting an argument here . . . I want Richt fired just because he's married to Bobo-Gotta-Go-Go . . . but results-wise, he has pushed our program to its highest level. The only coach that compares is, oddly, Jim Donnan.
I only posted this for growl to understand that even if you didn't get to experience 1980, you have to remember that you also didn't experience those other nightmares. Like the 1976 Sugar Bowl against Pittsburgh, or the failed Shoe-String in the Cotton Bowl against Lou-Holtz-Coached-Arkansas. growl, you may have missed one heck of a party, but you also missed a bunch of other people partying at our expense . . . like when Todd Blackledge hit that bomb in the Sugar Bowl, when Dan Marino nailed us on 4th and forever in another Sugar Bowl . . . oh, it hurts too much to recall . . .