Watching the FOX Network after the 1 p.m. pro game. Makes me want to as thriller said, PUKE.
These folks are talking about no one wants to see LSU/Alabama again. Playing up the Big whatever and the PAC whatever. This is the way it has always been folks. Bring the very best out of the Yankee area and the very best out of the Left Coast and add one more team that they choose.
Line up best three from the Southeastern Conference and let's square off. Can't believe that these idiots can even begin to say no one wants to watch LSU/Alabama . . . . if it ends up that way.
Many of you are not up to speed on the media and the way they handle football from years past. They hate the SEC, but also hate to face them on the field.
Leave it to Chip Kelly and the Ducks, right . . . . LSU bring back any reminders? Michigan State my butt. Michigan, beat OSU on a down year . . . . great.
Don't even mention UGA and the soft schedule. Michigan State had a whack at us in Orlando a short time back . . . . anyone know what happened . . . I do.
Staying out of the other back and forth in this thread.