yankeedawg1 wrote: wlayton, we could offer the nay sayers drinks,snacks,free bingo and yes even a silk rope to do what they choose and it would change nothing. That all "OK" choice is all up to them.
Being in logistics I have a 5000 gallon tanker loaded with SPF30 sun screen ready to roll South Bound 75 to the "Island"
I have a "12" on ice to jump start the weekend. Time to burn some red meat Saturday after the game and before LSU & Bama. Enjoy you weekend !!! Go Dawgs
Choices....we all have them, huh?
Hey.....hurry up with that sun screen, the sand looks very white, the breeze is cool and refreshing, the cooler's full and the grill is hot. I cancelled the order for more invitations, didn't want to waste the money.......oh, have the card table up....play a little gin rummy until kickoff?