stanger wrote: Let's get 1 thing straight. Carlton Thomas and Ken Malcolm suspensions are not drug related. Carlton was late to class and is on probation from the beginning of the season when he missed class's. KM I'm not sure of his suspension. I did confirm this with a coach. And if u read the articles it doesn't say all 3 failed the drug test like the one Macon news released today. CT didn't even take a drug test Thursday. I do here Crowell is walking a VERY thin line in Athens. There's 2 tailbacks uga is going hard after this year and next in recruiting.
stanger, reminds me of last year when we had a couple of backs that were on thin ice. Looks as if history is going to repeat itself unless this young fellow can come to his senses.
Richt knows that he has a diamond in the rough, feel that is one reason that he is so supportive of IC. Sad part of this story is everyone wants IC to man-up. Only thing stopping Crowell is Crowell. Appears to me that he brought his BMOC attitude with him thinking he had Richt's total support. It will come down to someone other than Richt and Crowell, there are folks further up the ladder that can put an end to this type of attitude or attitudes.
Time for all involved to take a serious look . . . . I have the same feeling that you do about thin ice and I think it is time for thin ice for maybe one player and maybe one coach. This program needs some structure.