ogredawg wrote:
Buc wrote:
ogredawg wrote: Buc it is "The Island"

ogredawg, you know that I am a slow learner, I will try again.
"The Island"
Buc we know you are Da Man.....just having fun with you but you know that.....
You know we are going to have to go rescue them all from "The Island" don't ya..... 
Bad man from Lowndes County, you scare me sometimes.
That is why Coffee County could never beat you guys, understood football too well.
Wake up from the bad dream, and there are a goup of folks on this board that truly recognize what has happened to UGA football, turns a bad dream into . . . hope. Sometimes I hesitate to bring up the past because many here don't know about the past. They are as Red and Black as the old farts, makes it hard to post about things that one has not seen.
ogredawg, speaking from my heart. I will take a standup person that says what they think anytime over someone that speaks out of both sides of their mouth. We were warned by one person in particular on this board, just took a while to accept it from a guy that knows football that never played the game.
JAX is close. Down this way, most seem to think that the Gators win by a touchdown. Now that is six points. Is Muschamp six points better than Richt? If that turns out to be true . . . . . some folks on this board have some catching up to do.
Little early yet . . . . I think that we win by . . . . 3. Lose by six, somebody (or bodies) better start packing their bags. Ever seen Sanford Stadium half full . . . . I haven't but have seen it close to that.
As WoodstockDawg said earlier, what I just said does not pertain to "officiating". Damn I hate being caught twice . . . .