yankeedawg1 wrote:
Had a chance to speak with one of the old locals and he has word that Mack is marking time with CMR. Mack was none to pleased with this past weeks effort. Mack had to juggle to get us the opportunity to play top 10 team. The plan was to put UGA back on the football map.
Best laid plans of mice and men. Shot to hell in a hurry.
Mack does not wear egg every well. This week CMR's hot seat went from being on pilot light to having the burner light up. Notice not much has been heard from our AD at this point.
Have agreat weekend- "Go Dawg"
Could believe that the old local is right. Richt was "testy" in his press conference. It has been said so many times, had the entire off season to get ready for Boise State. One problem, again we were out coached, Boise State changed a couple of things. We could not deal with those changes. If I am McGarity, not going to have a lot of "tag alongs" like Richt had and still has. Program needs leadership, not jerseys, helmets and uniforms. Neither of the three mentioned win football games.
At some point, someone has to take charge. From what I see, Richt is not capable of taking charge.
McGarity working directly for Jeremy Foley at Florida for ten years, knows that there comes a time. Steve Spurrier thought when he left the NFL he would be rehired at Florida, nope, Jeremy shut him down and hired UM.
Some say we have all of these outstanding recruits that want to play for Richt, if he leaves, recruits go elsewhere.
Folks in Florida thought that Spurrier could walk on water, did not like the UM hire. Two NC's later, did not know how to spell Spurrier. Cannot let the players run the football program, like they have been doing under Richt.
My bet is this. McGarity came on board, had a sit down with Richt and laid out his program. UGA's schedule had to please everyone, including Richt. Fewer things to take care of, and what do we get . . . . . much the same. McShay has it right when discussing the offense. Think one of his questions was . . . can't they see it does not work . . . . something like that. Nothing has changed in years, so my answer to that question is, nope.
Many on this board have been screaming for change for a long time, what do we get, Nike uniforms, jerseys, helmets and the same creative offensive coordinator that Richt stationed there. Not the change we were asking for McGarity. Do the right thing, you know what that is.