Yes, I want to win them all but if we must lose.
I want to see our team coming out ready to play. No shell shocked flat footers.
Too many times during Richts era we have come out as if we have no idea what the other team is doing to us.
I want to see solid tackling - wrapping up. Putting the man on the ground.
Not just lets see how hard we can shoulder hit him only to have the runner rebound for huge gains.
I want to see our defense to have enough flexibility to adapt to whatever is working for the other team.
Don't wait until half time and we are behind 14 points or more to change things up. If they are killing us with the run, by god make a change and stop the run.
I want to see our offense do something besides play action.
It may work once our opponents respect the run but for the last 5 years it hasn't.
I don't want to see a 40 yd(in the air) pass on 2nd or 3rd and long.
Get the dang 1st down and let the ball carrier/receiver pick-up the any extra yards.
I want to see the ball handlers hold on to the ball.
I rather have a 4 yd gain and keep the ball than fight for an extra yard or 2 and put the ball on the ground. Not saying go down easy but just don't jeopardize protecting the ball.
I want to see an offense that is flexible enough to take advantage of the opponents defense weakness.
I know many plays are scripted-guess what our opponents know it too. During BooBoos tenure as OC it seems he has made up his mind what plays he is gonna call whether they are working or not.
I want to see players using their college educated brains and not making stupid mental mistakes that cost us field position and 1st downs.
Disciplined teams don't shoot themselves in the foot with back to back illegal procedure penalties or foolish personal fouls. We are not good enough to give back precious yards.
I want to see Coach Richt with some genuine fire in his belly
He doesn't have to cuss or insult players just show them he cares about the outcome of every action and every play.
I want to see a team that is just as fast, just as strong and just as good as tacklers in the 4th quarter.
Nothing new here but man it gets old hearing/reading about how are opponents feel like we quit or run out of gas in the 2nd half.
If we can manage to do these things we should win them all - but right now I would be happy with 10+ wins including victories over Tech,Florida and Auburn.
It is tough being a Dawg living in Alabama - 30 minutes from Auburn, but I ain't giving up.
Some are wise and some are otherwise !