When I was 7, I played my first year of pee we football down in Albany Georgia. My dad watched me at practice one day when the coach called my name and I didn't hear him.
My dad walks out to me, in front of my friends, grabs me by the facemask, and busts my ass with his other hand, then tells me to quit acting like a 'pu**y'!!!!
True story.
My dad is still alive and we get along greatly; but this was in 1974.
THAT was my first football lesson I learned about leaving it all on the field.
All through high school I played however I had to to win, yes, I was dirty on the bottom of the pile, and I'm not saying that was right or anything, but if you can't play the game with passion, go play tee ball.
My two GIRLS play with only one thing in mind: winning; and I sure as hell expect that same attitude from Bobo, Richt and the players. At least I know TG will have the right attitude.