Below is a link to 680 Radio and Richard Samuel discussing the season ahead. Takes time to talk about last season, and talks about the teams feelings with Boise State in ATL.
Many on this board, including myself, want to see what Isaiah Crowell is going to do. I am excited about IC, do however believe that Richard Samuel is going to make believers of the Blue Team in ATL. Mentioned in another post that he is WILLING and WILL go headgear to headgear. Step up "Bean" . . . . . you are probably the best run blocker on that offensive line.
Take the time to listen to Richard Samuel, intoxicating, to say the least. Really like the fact that UGA is allowing these young players to say exactly what they think. Tough questions, straight forward answers. Good on you Richard Samuels. A true Dawg.
To get to the conversation, move the time cursor to 7:55 and after the break, move the time cursor to 20:52. Richard Samuel is looking forward to ATL.