OldSouthDawg, going to say something that might bend some the wrong way, or might be real damn close to the truth.
If the offensive side (must call this Bobo's bunch)(Richt said Bobo is in charge) causes too many problems for the defensive side of the ball, Grantham is going to have a talk with Bobo. I feel that in my bones. Richt will be caught in the middle, and not sure that Richt is a good "middle man".
There is another pro coach in town that excites me, Kirk Olivadotti. Remember that he is a graduate from St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Valdosta of Florida. Anyone that believes that he is a coach at UGA by happen stance, don't think so, know why he is on campus. KO is here because of Grantham, take that for what it is worth. Remember, Richt picked Grantham as his 5th choice. How amazing will it be if number five choice is spectacular. If this football team turns into another 500 or so team, the changes will be surprising to many or maybe not.
There is not another pro football team that would hire Bobo to be their offensive coordinator. Not one. If I am wrong, someone on this board needs to suggest one. This is a coach that supposedly is a pro style offense coach. Buy that koolaid, I don't. I do not like rocking along and watching others in our conference making strides that we quite frankly are not making. Why should UGA have to suck hine tit to Bama and Florida, and soon to be South Carolina. Do you folks really think we are on the right path? McGarity can not live with business as usual.
Grantham and Kirk Olivadotti have served many years in the pros. Anyone that also believes that these young kids don't have aspirations of playng on Sunday are not looking too far into the future. We get two, three years with these young pups, they are looking for the best coaching and, ready for this . . . . . COACHES WITH CONNECTIONS. Grantham and Olivadotti have connections. Think that Bobo has connections, probably so, connections with Buck Belue, outside of that, what?