kentdaddy, you seem to be in the mood for an article like this one. (I was) Football talk is slow, or we have folks in the NFL and NCAA trying to lead us around by the nose. I refuse to be led by folks that are trying to "improve" the game by taking the on field action away from the fans that pay the bills. More and more it is becoming and going through what boxing did once upon a time.
So, looking around for reading material, came up with this article. Remembering you mentioned that you like blackeye peas. Said that I grew up in the South, fought the Civil War (again) when I served in the Navy (long time ago). No, it was not black and white, it was yankees and rebels. Used lower case intentionally.
When I first exposed myself to this board, did not know what to expect, but have always liked a challenge. This place became my premier site, and have noticed that other blogs try not to say too much about this site, and I understand the reason(s) why. There are several on this board that are bona-fide football know-it-alls. I make that statement knowing that I along with you and others have a grip on football talk.
FIRST, does not count. Most clicks do not count. UGA Football is what we discuss for the most part. Say it again, glad that you gave me the "honest welcome" to participate.
Ok, I have said more than once that I am not a big supporter of SEC Commissioner Slive. However, reading this article, will give him a little slack. . . . . .
DAWG1277, thank you again for getting the football juices flowing. Enjoyed reading a lot of the comments in the article below. PP on OSU and the Big Whatever. SEC for me.