ogredawg, most of the media folks that open their mouths and it goes against "their" school, comes back to bite them in the butt. Herbstreit called it honestly from the get go and then began to protect his money making position in the media (ESPN). Got so bad that short of a very serious problem, he moved to Nashville. Call it what we want, he got the hell out of Dodge. Can't stand by your comments, don't make them.
Going to be interesting after the SEC meetings in Destin, the current turmoil with OSU, and see where the NCAA lands after all of this. Can't blame OSU for trying to stay away from the dreaded decision that the NCAA placed on SMU.
Tressel is doing the same thing that he did with the players that he knew had problems. He understands the situation that OSU is in and he is trying to protect OSU by resigning. Anyone that tells me that Tressel is the only person with authority at OSU that knew this was going on is in the coverup up to their ears. Don't feel that we have seen the last resignation at OSU.
Can't you just smell the legal BS that is coming out of OSU behind closed doors with a room full of the best attorneys that several million dollars can buy . . . .
Can't stand Kiffin, if however OSU gets no more punishment than has been handed out to this point . . . . . as I have said before, the NCAA is doomed. Teams like Texas and others are beginning to work around and with TV contracts and popular opinion to end college football as we have known it.
ogredawg, you are on the mark. How damn funny Herbstreit is.
Next . . . . . So believable. . . . . AD Smith. This is not over, and I am tired of these cats acting as if they are doing the "right thing". If you believe Smith did not know any of this . . . . . ok.
So, what does OSU do with the trophy that came with the win against Arkansas? Go along with the NCAA ruling that the suspended players could play and act if nothing was wrong prior to New Orleans. Now Tressel is gone, the trophy stays because the NCAA thinks it made a good decision. Hang on folks, this ain't over.