Coach Richt,
As one of your most loyal supporters, I am writing this word of advice.
You signed much of the best talent in the state this year to scholarships. Congratulations. In doing so, you also scored one of the best recruiting classes in the nation. Great job.
Now please stop talking about it.
I know your job depended on getting a quick success, and you did it. Your job should be secure now for at least two games. But now it’s time to stop telling everyone how great the new guys are that are coming in. It’s time to stop reminding everyone how hungry they are, how badly they want playing time, and how much the upper classmen should be looking over their shoulders.
I would like to remind you that your 2004 class was ranked 6th in the nation. Your 2005 class was ranked 10th. Your 2006 class, seniors in 2009, was ranked 4th in the nation. That’s right, they were BETTER than the incoming class for this year. Your 2007 class? Ninth in the nation. The class of 08 was 7th in the nation. We got the 6th rated class in the nation in 2009. Last year? 15th!
My point is this. You have only had one “very good” recruiting year, last year, as opposed to all of the top tens you’ve scored over the ALL of the other years. Where is the national championship to go with them?
You do not have to win the national championship to keep my support and many others. However, this needs to be a year of success. Those first two games will be a great start. Win those, and you win many ‘Dawgs over to your side. Unfortunately, you have talked the incoming class up so much that you have painted yourself into a red and black corner. Lose either of the first two games (very LOSABLE games), and you will have only yourself to blame for your longevity (or SHORT-gevity, as it may be).
Stop talking about those freshmen who haven’t even cracked open the play book yet. Heck, most probably haven’t even HELD it yet. Put some of the “hosses” from previous top ten classes to work. Now is time for you to go back to what I know you are capable of. Great coaching.
The bottom line is simple, Coach.
Win, and win NOW.
Very respectfully submitted,