Buc wrote:
yd1, keep on keeping on, good work.
Question . . . .
Love the fact that we are getting stronger, bigger and healthier. Are we doing the proper stretching? I assume we are, however have seen a pro team that shall remain nameless go through this same thing. This particular team released their coach after a couple of years and the groins and hammies disappeared. I am in no way suggesting that Coach JT is the cause, I just wonder. Your body can be too tightly wound with muscle and this sort of thing shows its ugly head.
Buc, just getting ready to suggest the same thing. If you are pushing more weight, training harder, building more muscle mass, you have to incorporate an INTENSE stretching routine. Also would help tremendously if they can provide these players with Neuromuscular Massage Therapy.....deep tissue massage that "releases" the bound up or very tight muscle fibers (painful massage actually).
My wife was a neuromuscular therapist (and taught it) that worked on me all the time and it works.....UNBELIEVABLY. Surely they have these neuromuscular therapists available for the players, if not, they should start and make it MANDATORY each player has sessions with them 2-3 times every week (even off season). Also increases flexibility.
Btw yd1.....always love your posts, very insightful and today's was no different. Very good point about the mental side of becoming a beast and the confidence it breeds.