Once upon a time in Rip Off Land . . . . .
I carried the Falcon Banner from day 1 of the franchise until 1985. Watched players like Nobis and coaches like Van Brocklin, tough son of a guns. Moved to Florida and my allegiance shifted after all those years to another franchise. Reason, the Smith's did not have a clue, sorry UGA folks, the truth is the truth. Years of misery.
This is what has me scratching my head and wondering what the hell is going on. Blank wants another stadium built on public land, wants bonds to cover half or more of the total cost. Team will chip in the rest. Damn, mighty generous of you Mr. Arthur Blank. Think maybe pushing that wheel chair around earned you enough points to push this one through?
Blank thinks that now is a good time to try and get this thingy through, got a good football team, maybe emotions run high enough for passage. One problem, who the hell is going to be able to affored the price of a ticket in this economy.
The damn NFL is so full of itself, time for some of the "middle class folks" to be heard. Arthur Blank, Jerry Jones you ain't, learn to live with it.
Just want to say, this would be a huge mistake in my way of thinking, and many economist as well. Have always been partial to the Red and Black colors of the uniforms, never real crazy about ownership and management of the team. Remember this Falcon fans, Arthur and his gang are not going to lose a dime. Pathetic.
Free enterprise, build your own stadium, with your accumulated millions, lets not turn this over and make it a "Government Project". Seen enough of that in the past few years, and especially what is going on in Washington now.
Have a nice day! Go Dawgs!