Getdown11, you bring up some good points.
When the spread is suggested, it does not necessarily mean that the ball won't be thrown. To suggest that Tebow did not throw the ball is a huge mistake. He did. A lot.
Cam, the same thing can be said about him. Tremendous strength, however a lot of that strength was in his right arm. He also threw the pigskin, and did so effectively. He will be a first round draft choice, same as Tebow was. Neither being drafted to run a spread offense.
High school and college are running many variations in their offensive schemes in the past 5/10 years. One reason for that is the learning process is much simpler. When you have to develop receivers and quarterbacks to the point that they are on the same page, takes a lot of time. X amount of practice time in high school and college. Rules you know. NCAA.
The most effective in my opinion is the West Coast. Even in the West Coast there are many different variations, but it still comes down to being able to throw the football effectively, whether it is a 5 yard toss or a 50 yard toss. West Coast forces a lot of teams into a cover two or similar situation, and that of course leaves the middle vulnerable to tight ends and slants from receivers. At that point it is yac, tackling versus running ability.
Using AM as an example Getdown11, he is perfect for any variation of the West Coast. He reminds me of Rodgers that is quarterbacking Green Bay so successfully at this point. Young man has wheels, proven more than one time this past season. While he prefers to pass, he has the talent to keep the chains moving. It also makes it easier for the offensive line if they have a quarterback that is mobile, that is fact.
Another misconception about the West Coast is that it is a "ball control offense" only. It can be used effectively that way, and that is when you see the defense moving out of a cover two and going more to man coverage.
Richt has a brother-in-law that understands the West Coast as well as anyone, including Jon Gruden and others. In Athens we have AM and my bet is he stays at UGA through his senior year. Bring the right coach in with the right system and it would be lights out in Athens. UGA has the material on campus right now, say that again, right now to run an awesome West Coast Offense.
One more thought, SS returned Florida to respectability actually using a version of the West Coast. It was not being called that, but if you look at film of UF under his tutelage, that was what they were doing. Also, he did not have quarterbacks that could run and throw like AM can. SS was forcing the defense to play the game the way he wanted them to.
Under the Richt/Bobo system it leaves me scratching my head and screaming at the plays they are running. Simply, I don't think that they have the ability at this point to match players with a system. Remember, they were on AM's butt about running the football. AM knows more about offensive football than the two combined. It was a special treat to watch AM run his high school team, they were hands down better than what is being exhibited by Richt/Bobo.